IAM Tampa Airline Lodge 2319
Serving Tampa, Fort Myers, & Sarasota

Will meet on Tuesday, March 18, 2025
7:00pm (Executive Board)
7:30pm (Regular Membership)
Country Inn & Suites
4750 N. Dale Mabry Highway
Tampa, Fl. 33614

In addition to the Local Lodge conducting general business and hearing any motion lawfully brought before it the following will be on the agenda:




Attached an official letter with information about the upcoming District 142 Special Election.

D142 Special Election Information for Posting (3)


Donna Moreno



Workers at Delta Air Lines Ground Handling Subsidiary Vote to Join IAM Union

Feb. 26, 2025

Approximately 60 Unifi Aviation ground handling workers based in San Jose, Calif., last week voted nearly 70 percent to join the IAM Union. Unifi Aviation is 49% owned by Delta Air Lines Inc. and waged a scorched-Earth union-busting campaign, led by the anti-worker law firm Jones Day. The workers cited low and stagnant wage rates, poor benefits and working conditions as reasons to form a union and gain a seat at the table.

Although the IAM Union filed the petition to hold a representation election in July 2024, it took six months for an election to be held due to Delta management’s stall tactics.

“I am very proud to welcome these determined and courageous workers into aviation’s largest union, the IAM,” said IAM Air Transport Territory General Vice President Richie Johnsen. “And a special thanks to District 141 Director of Membership Services Frank Giannola, Local 1781 veteran organizer Danny Paulazzo, and the IAM Legal Department for leading the campaign to a successful conclusion.”

The IAM Union is currently working to organize approximately 20,000 Delta Air Lines ramp, cargo and tower workers nationwide.

“District 141 salutes these Unifi workers who never backed down and took on Delta’s high-priced union-busters and sent them packing,” said IAM District 141 President Mike Klemm. “We will now continue this campaign and negotiate the dignified first contract that these workers deserve.”

Unifi Aviation employs approximately 60 workers at San Jose Mineta International Airport who perform ground handling services for Delta Air Lines.



Below is a critical message from the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), which represents hundreds of thousands of dedicated letter carriers who deliver our mail six days a week.

Please make a call now to protect U.S. Postal Service workers’ jobs: 202-224-3121

The jobs of 640,000 U.S. Postal Service (USPS) employees are under attack.
In a reported executive order, President Trump plans to fire the Postal Board of Governors and place the agency under the control of the Department of Commerce.

This is a direct attack on USPS employees, the unmatched universal service they provide and every citizen who relies on the Postal Service.

Please stand with letter carriers and all postal workers and make a call to House Speaker Mike Johnson.


Please tell Speaker Johnson to put a stop to this. HELL NO to dismantling the Postal Service!

The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC)



For information on the DISTRICT 142 SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION please click the below link

2025 Scholarship Opener, R&R, Application .pdf FILLABLE_D. 142



Want to see where your Union Dues money goes.

Click the link below for a short video.  Dues Explainer.  https://www.goiam.org/news/latest-videos/dues-explainer/




Member Participation Key to IAM Veterans Services Program Success

The IAM’s Veterans Services program is reporting a boost in recruitment. The program, which is under the union’s Retirees and Membership Assistance Department, was created in 2016 and continues its growth in popularity. Enrollment is up from 2,400 in July 2020 to 4,100 as of this February.

“Seeing an opportunity to increase interest and further expand the program, we wanted to ramp up our efforts by reaching out to everyone,” said IAM Retirees and Membership Assistance Director Ed Manhart, who manages the IAM’s military veteran outreach. “It’s the least we can do for their selfless acts of courage and sacrifices they made for our country.”

The program provides an extensive range of services such as the IAM Employee Assistance Program. It also offers help to veterans struggling with PTSD, mental health problems and/or substance abuse. Veterans can attend week-long seminars at the union-owned and operated Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD. One particular segment of the training helps military veterans navigate through the often-complicated and difficult tasks of filing benefit claims with the federal government. All IAM membership services are free of charge.

The IAM encourages military veterans to enroll in the program by visiting its website or submitting paper applications. In early January of this year, the Veterans Services program launched the latest veterans outreach effort by sending packets of application forms to all IAM districts and locals across the country. The project is proving successful through an increased awareness, interest and participation in this valuable IAM member service benefit.

Veterans Contact Information Sheet

If you complete the online form, please do not submit the PDF version.
Fields with a * are required to submit the form.





The most recent local lodge by-laws have been approved and are posted. To read the entire by-law go to the About  Us drop down and click on the by-laws. 



Well, if you are unable to attend a regular union meeting and you want to get credit for it you must fill out a Missed Meeting Excuse Form and turn it in to the local. Forms can be obtained from the L.L. 2319 Recording Secretary, or you can download one from the following link. Missed Meeting Excuse 



is here to help you when you are facing personal problems. The assistance is confidential and free. Click here or the logo below for more information, or contact Brother Chuck Krieg at ckrieg57@gmail.com



For the District 142 membership, contact Brother Paul M. Shultz at;
pm.shultz@att.net or call 704-907-3563




 Union Dues Check-Off

Some of our members have opted to forgo payroll deduction of their monthly dues, which is an option available to all. However, that does not preclude you from paying your monthly dues on time. If you elect to pay by check, please remit the full monthly amount by the first of the month. Make the check out to IAM District Lodge 142, indicate in the memo section that the dues are for IAM Local 2319. Please mail the check to;         
IAM District 142
9633 48th St.
Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ. 85044
The current monthly dues rate is $78.00

If you have any questions please contact the Local Executive Board at;                               816-982-6480




Labor Letter 2

For information on various topics important to labor unionist, and the trade union movement, log onto the the Labor Letter, from American Income Life Insurance Co.
The online edition of AIL/NILICO Labor Letter & Agenda can be found at;