Linked to the Prez

Presidents Report:

I want to thank all those members that came to vote in Local Lodge Committee Elections. It was nice to meet with the members from the different airlines at both RSW and TPA.

The Executive Board and I want to wish all a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Negotiations are still going on at UAL. Also the IAM are still collecting signed authorization cards for an election to be held for the Delta Ramp. The IAM are also starting another card collection at the JetBlue Ramp for a Representation Election.

The coming year will see many nominations and possible elections for both DL and GL Officers. Dates and times will be listed in the future on Our Local Lodge website.

Until next month,




A per capita statement from Fla. AFL-CIO about funds owed.
Requests from Guide Dogs of America, Fla. Sheriffs Youth Ranch, Disabled Americans and St. Judes.
Notice from G.L. about nominations and possible election of officers at G.L..
Several requests for Absentee Ballots from members.
Thank you letter from Guide Dogs of America for donation to D.L. 142 golf tournament for guide dogs.
Order form and request from G.L. to purchase IAM 2025 wall calendars at $7 each or $5 each for orders over 100 or more. Two dollars of each sale goes to Guide Dogs.
The Conference call for FSCM Legislative week in TLH from March 30 till April 4, 2025. A reg. fee of $75 per delegate and room rate of $179 plus tax at Holiday Inn TLH. Also Minutes from the August Conference.
Still receiving return to sender from election and nomination mail out from over a month ago.



Our dues for 2025, for Local Lodge 2319 will be $78 per month, per member. ___________________________________________________________________________


If you are a member working at United Airlines, and you have contract issues that deals with Pay, Time Off , or a Grievance, and you are a Work at Home Agent your first line of contact is Tony Cotoia. He can be reached at;

Cell: 813-546-9696


If you need further assistance from the D.L. 141 then Mike Klemm President /
Directing General Chairperson at;

Office: 847.640.2222

Fax: 847.472.9326

Cell: 516.543.1854


For assistance at the Grand Lodge level, Gil Simmons is the GLR representative for Tampa and he can be reached at;

(609) 605 0015

Last but not least, if you need to speak with someone from the Local, our L.L. 2319 phone number is


I hope that this Information will help those new to the organization if and when they need assistance.
